Harambeans FNB Namibia Harvard Prize

Win a Exclusive Access to Virtual Sessions Hosted with Harambeans at Harvard

We’re thrilled to announce a new prize opportunity exclusive to FNB Namibia clients – The Harambeans FNB Namibia Harvard Prize.

🌟 Win a Exclusive Access to Virtual Sessions Hosted with Harambeans at Harvard during the 17th annual Harambeans Bretton Woods Symposium:

  1. If you have not created an account on the Harambeans Lab, Sign Up Here and select “FNB Namibia” for “your Harambeans Lab partner community”: Dive into the world of business in Africa with our comprehensive FNB Namibia Course, featuring 12 videos across 6 essential topics.
  2. Complete the Course by March 15th: Gain invaluable insights on starting and scaling a business in Africa.
  3. Become Eligible for the FNB Namibia Harvard Prize: Upon course completion, you could win exclusive access to attend virtual sessions during the Harvard component of the Harambeans Bretton Woods Symposium!

Click below to sign up to let the hindsight of Harambeans be your foresight:

Information Session: Harambeans FNB Namibia Harvard Prize

The 30-minute info session shares more information about The Harambeans FNB Namibia Harvard Prize and all you need to know about the process.

Previous FNB Namibia Prize winner, Vera Iiyambo, shares about her experience winning the Prize and meeting our Harambeans:

Previous FNB Namibia Prize winner, Linda Shaanika, shares about her experience learning from the Harambeans Lab and applying the insights to her business:


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